Tuesday, June 26, 2007

The Dragon Song.

In old times, magic wasnt arcane. There was nothing mystical or dark about it. Simply put, in the old times magic was a song. Nothing more, or less. The heartbeat of the universe in praise to the light that bound every atom together. The gutteral roar of the big bang that became a single note, powerfull and pure, that became a chorus.

A chorus that shook the very embryonic water that wherein the first souls were born. And through the many eternities of the lifetimes of these energies - the song became audible to immortal ears, eventually, and was sung with every breath until the song became flesh. And the dragons were born.

It was known as The Dragonius Arcanum. "The Dragon Song."

In this blog, over the course of my lifetime I shall attempt to put to words for you this song. May I have strength to preserve myself through this so that I can see it completed in this lifetime.

For this is the last time a mortal will know these words.